Personal Profile

The secret to caring for patients is to care for the patient. Dr. Lantos has studied the ways that doctors show they care - in their approach to shared decisions, in their commitment to rigorous research, and in the ways they lead our complex caring organizations. Lantos has been Director of General Pediatrics at University of Chicago and of a pediatric bioethics center at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. His research and writing have inspired generations of students.
Brown University, BA, Semiotics
University of Pittsburgh, MD
Lantos completed an interdisciplinary major in Semiotics at Brown.
At PIttsburgh, Lantos was class president, won awards as the best student in pediatrics and child psychiatry., and directed the senior class play.
John Lantos writes and speaks about some of the thorniest issues in bioethics today:
When should we let critically ill babies die?
Do we spend too much trying to save the sickest kids and not enough on other urgent needs?
How should we use genomics to improve lives for children?
Which research studies are acceptable?
Does research exploit vulnerable children and parents?
Can we define the difference between therapy and enhancement?
What is the role of religion in clinical medicine?
How do we teach doctors to communicate better with patients and parents?
Should euthanasia be legalized?
His books address health policy issues in resource allocation, preventive medicine, genomics, and public health.